
Friday, May 24, 2013

Acai Bowl

Acai Bowl
Let me first start out by saying how sorry I am for being such a flaky blogger.  What is my problem?  I guess I have just been mostly busy, and quite possibly a little lazy.  Please don't hate me;) I can say life has been pretty crazy in my house this past week.  My husband, "Mr Accident Prone" had a freak thing happen to him.  First off let me say he has earned this nickname.  He gets hurt all the time.  My kids will totally confirm this allegation. Check it out, a picture is worth a thousand words...

He stepped on a screw driver, and part of it stuck in his foot.   One surgery later, and he is now on crutches healing beautifully.  So with him out of commission for a few days life got kind of hectic around here.  Now this really has no bearing to why I haven't blogged in forever, but I guess I thought you might take mercy on me, or at least feel sorry for my husband!  Anyway once you try this recipe I am about to give you, I know all will be forgiven when it comes to my lack of blogging :)

I am sometimes a creature of habit.  I am especially like this with food.  To eat the same thing everyday for months at a time is not unusual for me.  Call me weird if you want! I don't care because what I am about to share with you is so worthy of eating everyday!   Ever since I tried the Acai Bowl, I just can't stop craving it, and therefore am compelled to eat it almost daily.  I first had one at Whole Foods last year.  They were serving them for breakfast.  I loved it, and decided to buy the ingredients and start making them myself.  My recipe morphed a bit from the original bowl.  I added spinach to mine.

Guess what...?

Give up?

You can't even taste the spinach.  You can put an entire cup or more of fresh spinach in this and not taste any of it.  Now, I like spinach so I truly wouldn't mind it if I could taste it. My kids on the other hand would rather not touch the stuff.  This is a great way to get your kiddos to eat their greens.  This is also a really easy way to get your fruit intake for the day. 
I had never heard of acai before trying this recipe.  In case you are curious, the acai berry comes from an acai palm.  The palm grows berries similar in size to grapes.  It is thought that the berry has some great antioxidant power. Yeah, I know blah blah blah! This is a bit more juicy.  I saw one study that claimed it could actually enlarge the size of a man's penis!  Hello!  Sadly, those claims couldn't be proven, but I am sure at one point it "lifted" the sale of acai.

A year after my first taste of acai at Whole Foods, and I now notice it everywhere. I  have even been to restaurants serving it in cocktails. Yum! Unfortunately, I have never found fresh acai in the store, but only these frozen pouches of pure organic acai.  Which is fine, they are easy to use.  I get mine at Whole Foods.  I am addicted!
Acai Bowl
1/2 cup vanilla almond milk
1/2 cup fresh organic strawberries
1/4 cup fresh organic blueberries
1 cup spinach
1 acai frozen pouch
1/2 frozen banana
1/4 hemp granola

Blend the almond milk, spinach, acai and banana.  Layer strawberries and blueberries in bowl.  Top with blended ingredients.  (It almost tastes like banana ice cream!) Top with granola.

I eat these for lunch a lot of times.  It tastes great after a workout too!  My whole family loves it.    An Acai Bowl is truly a delicious treat!  Let me just warn you that once you make this you too might just become an acai addict!

Have you tried acai?  If so tell me how you eat it...


  1. Looks good! I will have to try this one. I am glad hubby is feeling better....

  2. Looks good! I will have to try this one. I am glad hubby is feeling better....

  3. I love fruits. Someone told me that eating fruits or drinking their juice in excess can make me obese. So, now I started taking drinking only those fruit juices which have less sugar and more nutrition. E.g. Acai Berry Juice.
