
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lettuces and Citrus

4 recipes done, 146 to go:
Hi there! How is your weekend going?  I signed myself up to run in a 5k in my city this morning.  I have never ran in a race before, so it should be interesting.  My time might be slow, but I bet next year I will kick butt!  The important thing is to challenge myself, and conquer the big fear of running in a race.  I don't want to come in last!

I got my cookbook yesterday, and have had a chance to read through it.  I am very excited to try many of the recipes.  I think we are going to have lots of happy bellies in my home! Today I decided to make one of the many "Symphonic Salads" as Kris would call it from Crazy Sexy Kitchen.  I made "Lettuces and Citrus" on page 157.   Here are the ingredients you will need:
I decided to use both oranges and grapefruit rather than choosing one.  I also went with the fresh red chili vs the red pepper flakes.  The chili was spicy when sampling it alone, but in the salad it  didn't even sting my tongue.  The flavors all blended together really nicely.  The dressing was a little too tart for me, so I decided to add a tiny bit of agave.  You could also use the Maple Candied Pecans recipe from page 252 instead to add some sweetness.  Just a suggestion.  Here is what the salad looks like:
Lettuces and Citrus Salad
The colors from the oranges, grapefruit and chili look gorgeous! I love the butter lettuce as well.  I had an avocado in my fruit bowl so I went ahead and added that.  It was delicious!
With Avocado

Thanks to those of you following along on this fun cooking experiment with me!  If you only signed up to follow this blog via email, then take a minute and add yourself to the followers on the right side.  Those that add themselves to the list of "Followers"  will be included in the contest for the Crazy Sexy Kitchen cookbook.

As always, to check out Kris Carr's website click on this link:

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