
Friday, November 9, 2012

Coconut and Red Lentil Soup

Recipe 10 is Coconut and Red Lentil Soup Page 119

Today it was kind of cold and rainy where I live.  It felt like the perfect day to make a big pot of soup.  I love lentils and especially red lentils.  I wasn't sure how the coconut milk would taste in this soup?  Let me just say in a word, "YUM!"  This is the most amazing soup.  The flavors come together brilliantly.  The lemon zest and fresh lemon juice make it a little tangy.  Cilantro, lets face it makes everything better.  The avocado garnish put it over the top  terrific!  Here are the ingredients you will need:
The soup doesn't take long to make.  Red lentils soften pretty quick. That is one of the reasons I love to cook with them.  Plus they taste so darn good.  Not to mention the amount of fiber they give you per serving is awesome.  I decided to add some potato to my soup.  I have a teenage son who wants more than just lentils.  The potato added a bit more heartiness.  I don't think it effected the overall flavor.
Here is what you have to look forward to!
Coconut and Red Lentil Soup
I am always so excited to come across a recipe that I will make again and again.   It will become part of my line up of dinners I serve my family. The kids ate it which makes me happy too.  This recipe is a keeper!
Thank You Kris and Chad!!


  1. I just made the soup but it doesn't look anything like yours :( It stills tastes good but I must have done something wrong... it looks like white water!! The only thing I can think of is I used "split red lentils"... is that different from red lentils? I thought I followed the recipe exactly!

  2. Bummer your soup didn't turn out. I hate when that happens. I don't think the lentils would make a difference. Did you use canned coconut milk? Or coconut water? That is the only thing I could think may have made it too thin.

  3. I used five cups of veggie broth and water (2.5 cups each) and one 1.2-oz can of coconut milk. The recipe said we could use 4-5 cups of broth or water... definitely wish I can only used 4. Still don't know if that's what I did wrong. The only other thing I can think of is that I soaked (and rinsed) the lentils... maybe the absorbed water + the extra cup cup of broth/water is where I went wrong!!

  4. You could always thicken up your soup with arrowroot or cornstarch so the batch isn't so watery. I don't soak my lentils, I just wash them.
