
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chocolate Walnut Cake

If I had more willpower I wouldn't watch so much reality TV.
If I had more willpower I would resist checking my text messages as often.
Willpower is overrated!  I made Chocolate Walnut Cake!

Recipe 15 Chocolate Walnut Cake pg. 265

Chocolate Walnut Cake
I think eating healthy is really important most of the time.  Even so, life would be so boring if we didn't break the rules from time to time.  I am never going to pass up a great glass of red wine, and I will never not eat chocolate.  So when I saw this picture is Crazy Sexy Kitchen I knew it would only be a matter of time before I had to make it.  Here is what you will need to find yourself in chocolate bliss:
 I really wasn't sure how this cake would hold together without the eggs? I was afraid it would just crumble into pieces. I was careful to follow the instructions not to over stir the cake.  I folded the ingredients together.  Ya know what I got in return?  The most moist cake ever!  Not to mention when my kids wanted to lick the batter from the bowl, I could say go for it because there weren't any eggs.
I did have some issues with the frosting for some reason.  I poured all my ingredients together to make the frosting, but it just became a liquidity mess.  So I started over adding my dry ingredients first, and then adding the liquid ingredients a little at a time.  That time it came out great. The cake was addicting.  It wasn't as sweet as most chocolate cakes, and the walnuts in the batter really made this cake taste amazing.  
I bet you want a piece huh! 


  1. That cake really looks great! Can't wait to try it!!

  2. I'm making this for my birthday this weekend! Thanks for the tip on making the frosting.

  3. Happy Birthday! You will love it. Have an awesome birthday weekend!
